Health is affected by interactions and experiences between individuals and / or these with their environment throughout their course or life trajectory. These interactions can result in changes in the life trajectory curve, in a positive or negative way. The concept of life trajectory involves complex relationships, which begin with the paternal-maternal genetic background, from the preconception, through pregnancy, childhood and adolescence, to adulthood and last until the individual’s death. This concept recognizes the opportunity to prevent and control disease at key stages of life, therefore, abandoning the notion that an individual is healthy until the disease occurs.
It is assumed that the trajectory is a continuum, where various diseases are determined earlier in life. This perspective allows early identification of high-risk phenotypes and risk markers, supporting efforts for primary disease prevention and the development of early interventions. In the era of precision medicine, a preventive approach is essential, considering genetics, epigenetics, environmental factors and potential biomarkers. The goal is to predict latent disease processes with a high probability to perform early intervention and prevent the onset of the disease.
Considering the possibilities of using AI in the different stages of life and dimensions of the health-disease process, both at the individual and societal level, this proposal addresses the use of AI applications in the following axes:
1) prevention and quality of life;
2) diagnosis, prognosis and screening;
3) therapeutic and personalized medicine;
4) health and management systems; and